![Hull Local Plan Adopted](http://www.hu17.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/hull_1.jpg)
The Hull Local Plan has been formally adopted at a meeting of Full Council.
The plan provides a robust and ambitious framework for the development of the city up to 2032, providing certainty for investors and creating the conditions for growth by:
• ensuring there is sufficient land and buildings to meeting future employment needs;
• earmarking land for the building of 11,702 new homes, exceeding the city’s housing requirement of 9,920 homes over the next 15 years;
• protecting and improving open spaces and sports facilities, with the aim of improving the health and wellbeing of residents;
• protecting and enhancing parts of the city which are of natural, historic or architectural importance;
• putting in place measures to address climate change, including dealing with flood risk.
The Local Plan is also used to determine planning applications.
Councillor Martin Mancey, Portfolio Holder for Economic Investment, Regeneration and Planning said:
“The Local Plan provides a clear delivery framework for the physical development of our city.
“It ensures that retail, leisure and commercial development meet the current and future needs in Hull and, following on from the recent investment in city centre facilities and public realm, reflects increasing inward migration and the opportunity we now have to maximise economic growth and job creation.
“With allocations for the development of new, energy efficient homes exceeding requirements, it also ensures that designated green space in the city is protected in the future, as well as providing a strong basis to resist development proposals for any land that is not designated for any specific use.”
The Plan takes into account the responses received to the Issues and options consultation in 2014, the Preferred Options consultation in 2015 and the Publication consultation in 2016. On 16 December 2016 it was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for examination.