East Riding of Yorkshire Council is seeking feedback on a new strategy which sets out how the council and its partners will work together to tackle the causes of homelessness and meet the needs of people without access to their own home.
The new strategy builds on the work of the last, published in 2013, and has been developed using the findings of a review into homelessness undertaken in the summer of 2017.
The number of households accepted as being owed the main homelessness duty by the council has been reducing year-on-year, with 268 homelessness acceptances in 2016/17 compared to 359 in 2012/13.
Early intervention and prevention have been identified as the best way to reduce homelessness and the strategy proposes to:
1. Prevent households from becoming homeless through effective partnership working and by identifying vulnerable individuals at risk of homelessness at an early stage, addressing any underlying problems before they reach crisis point.
2. Increase the supply of affordable and settled housing options, including supported accommodation. The council also aims to grow the local economy and provide more employment opportunities.
3. Ensure people have access to services that provide an important safety net in a crisis, especially for vulnerable groups like those sleeping rough or young people. This will help the council achieve the Government’s ‘No second night out’ aim that ensures anybody new to sleeping on the streets is contacted within 24 hours and offered support and assistance, including access to emergency accommodation.
Councillor Symon Fraser, cabinet portfolio holder for strategic asset management, housing and environment, said:
“Homelessness, for those involved, can be a particularly challenging situation. While the homelessness picture in the East Riding is improving, the council is committed to addressing this matter for the community as a whole.
“Having a robust strategy in place will help the council and its partners tackle the causes of homelessness and support those who are in crisis before it escalates.
“To ensure the strategy is fit-for-purpose, we would encourage people to have their say during the consultation process.”
Comments on the strategy are invited up to Tuesday, 13 March, with the document available to view online at www.eastriding.gov.uk/council/have-your-say-homepage/
To have your say, complete the online survey at the link above. Alternatively you can call (01482) 393922 or e-mail housing.strategy@eastriding.gov.uk
Following the consultation, the strategy will be finalised and taken to cabinet for approval.