Local men who want to tackle their weight issues now have the chance to join this incredibly successful weight loss league. Nationally 95% of players lose weight and some players losing go on to lose a staggering 70lbs during the 14 week league.
Andrew Shanahan, Managing Director of www.manvfat.com said;
“We’re thrilled to offer this league to men in Hull and East Riding. Our history shows MAN v FAT Football can have an incredible impact on the health of our players with 95% of players losing weight and 93% reporting health improvements from curing sleep apnoea to huge improvements in blood pressure and joint pain. Across 2017 our players lost more than 7 tonnes in weight and we know that we’re going to smash that in 2018 with leagues like the one in Hull.”
A player who featured last season is Alan Noden who joined the league in January 2017. He commented:
“Having ran a 5-a-side team for over 10 years, I began to struggle to keep up with the younger players in the team and felt like I was hindering rather than helping by continuing to play. I decided to hand over the reigns and reluctantly retire from amateur football completely in order to focus on both my health and losing weight.”
“Joining MAN v FAT Football not only gave me a platform out of football retirement but it provided me with the motivation I desperately needed to take weight loss more seriously and actually make an effort.”
“Each week brought with it the renewed ambition to lose weight and help the team do as well as possible and the support I received from my teammates is something I’ll always value. It’s a unique team spirit setting where the support comes from each other’s desire to do well in the league.”
The new MAN v FAT Football season in Hull starts on 20th February with a game played every week for 14 weeks. It costs £9.99 to register and games cost £6 per week. The weight is almost over!
Players can join at www.manvfatfootball.org/hull