Hull and East Riding Green Party are calling for people to think more about the problems being created by plastic in the world.
The party also warns that people’s vanity is leading to micro plastics ending up in drinking water, as people strive for better skin.
Commenting on the issue, Martin Deane, from the Green Party said;
“Plastics now are literally everywhere. David Attenborough, in the final episode of The Blue Planet, highlights a modern menace to sea life.”
“Microbeads. These, in addition to the infamous huge plastic gyres in the Pacific. All the leading brands of bottled water contain microplastics at a level higher than that found in tap water. “
“Yes. it’s already in tap water too. And today we have stories about food being contaminated by microplastics simply in the air of factories and shops. Teabags too contain microplastics.”
“Now microplastics – smaller than water filters can take out – are apparently needed to make our skin look better – no matter what happens to water down the line!”
“Were cosmetic scientists unable to foresee this problem? But now, how many victims of this narrow profit-driven research must there be? – us, them, marine life, the Earth?”
“In 2014, Ireland beat us to a plastic bag charge – and usage dropped over 70%. In 2015, we in the UK adopted it and we’ve seen usage drop 85% – very impressive.”
“Let’s remember too that this is a response to the long-life of plastic bags and their effects on wildlife – a small yet important commitment by us all in Britain.”
“We don’t need microbeads in our body wash! We’ve coped for millennia without. What we need are ever cleaner products – in the Earth sense. The USA banned these in 2016 – so why do we still have them?”
“When it comes to global ocean plastic, we needs a global solution. We need international efforts to clean up the Pacific.”
“There’s a very easy way to stop global pollution – stop participating in it!”
“Greens call on everyone to limit their use of plastic, and to reject, before buying, products that contain microplastics.”
The current have acted. Manufacturers of face scrubs and shower gel have been banned from making microbeads as of January 2018. Shops will be banned from selling microbead products from 30 June 2018 to help tackle the issue.