For the first time, Taxi marshals will be in place over the Easter weekend on the ranks in Beverley and Bridlington to help customers get home safely.
The taxi marshals will be in place on the taxi ranks on Good Friday and Easter Sunday between 11pm and 3am.
The licensed marshals will help ensure queues are orderly; people have enough money for their fare and also make sure they are getting into a licensed vehicle.
Councillor Shaun Horton, cabinet portfolio holder for community involvement and council corporate services, said:
“The marshals work well alongside our licensing officers and with the taxi drivers in helping to make it is a safe night out for revellers.
“The East Riding has a reputation for being a safe place to be out and about and we want everyone to enjoy themselves and stay safe.
“We know that most people who join a taxi queue after a night out are well behaved, but a small minority can cause problems for others so the taxi marshals can help people stay calm and in good spirits.
“We always have a first rate response from residents, people in the pubs and bars trade and taxi owners when we use the taxi marshals over the Christmas period and we are pleased to extend their use over the Easter weekend.”
A similar scheme was run over the festive period in Beverley with drivers of Taxis welcoming the use of Marshall’s to help police the ranks during peak times.
One taxi driver told HU17.net;
“For us it is really useful to have marshals at the taxi ranks in Beverley as they bring some order and structure to the queue.”
“The Taxi rank in Saturday Market is by the Green Dragon pub, but as drivers pull up the rank moves backwards as people just want to get in a taxi and get home. This means the rank can end up outside Central 42 which leads to problems.”
“By having marshals people can line up safely and do not need to worry about other people pushing in as they know the next car that comes along is for them. Put simply it takes all the hassle out waiting for a taxi.”