ARIES (March21st-April20th)
Mixing business with pleasure will bring you money or something valuable through others. You’re in the limelight, which could produce unexpected and delightful developments on the social scene. When you believe in what you are doing, you can be very convincing. Teamwork is the name of the game. New group activities will be surprisingly stimulating and the results of a joint effort will bolster your confidence. Are you single? Romance is brewing and a flirtation will have promising consequences.
TAURUS (April21st-May21st)
Work, study and creative projects are constructive. Your ideas about a home or work-related matter will be welcomed as friends know you can find practical ways to push for results. A mid-week lunch date could lead to a lucky coincidence for you. Everything seems to be going your way, making life easy and enjoyable. All relationships will benefit from your high spirits and the domestic scene is brighter thanks to the creative touches you are putting into your home.
GEMINI (May22nd-June21st)
Although some happenings may not be to your liking, your intuition is right on target. Home, family and property matters will keep you occupied but probably not in the way you will like. You may have to pull out of social arrangements to make family a priority but in the end, the sacrifice will have been worth it. Offering friendly advice to a neighbour will stir some mutually advantageous feedback. You can get lucky with a joint project in the weekend.
CANCER (June22nd-July23rd)
Your job position or a community project could be jeopardised by another person’s careless behaviour. Watch what you say and how you interpret other people’s comments. Initially, group matters might not shape up in a way that fills you with joy. Discussion and compromise will bring a reasonably happy solution. A lively influence will bring you the opportunity to put plans for the future into action and perhaps to attract a dynamic new admirer, if you are single.
LEO (July24th-August23rd)
You will get more done if you are left to do things at your own pace and in your own way. Modest gains count and if you are happy with progress, this is all that matters. If you don’t cover as much ground as others would like, then that is their problem. Community matters will take a surprise twist when information that has been kept hidden is revealed. Someone may be secretly feeding you information. They can rely on your discretion.
VIRGO (August24th-September23rd)
You will be organising your social interests in a productive way. Friends are grateful to have your practical advice. Friendships will undergo a marked improvement but mixing business with pleasure may not yield such happy results. Simple activities like communing with nature, walking the dog and spending time with family will help you relax. A generous relative will offer to lend you money to support a family or property project. This kind gesture will lift your spirits.
LIBRA (September24th-October23rd)
You’re in line for gains that will benefit you financially, materially or health-wise. Finding work that is both financially and spiritually rewarding will feel like a dream come true. Big decisions will be made so be ready to get down to brass tacks about life’s important issues. In this eventful and successful week, returning to the humdrum world of affairs might feel like a bit of a let-down but there is still minor progress to be made.
SCORPIO (October24th-November22nd)
Launching a new project will make good use of your creative and artistic talents. If you’re contemplating a new career direction or moneymaking scheme, an opportunity to start your own business could arrive. A painting, writing or photography project will be especially fulfilling. Cooperation on the home front is likely to be minimal, but at the same time, there are some jobs you would rather do alone. You don’t need anyone’s approval to do what is right for you.
SAGITTARIUS (November23rd-December21st)
A variety of petty annoyances may get the week off to a bumpy start but the trend won’t all be downhill. Money from a bonus, legal or insurance settlement is coming your way. Treat yourself to a luxury that’s usually beyond the scope of your budget. A purchase made while shopping with a friend will bring you real pleasure. Although you aren’t noted for your domesticity you like the idea of hosting a big reunion. Preparing for a dinner or a party will test your creativity.
CAPRICORN (December22nd-January20th)
Be prepared to deal with people who are defensive and overwrought. Your best friend or partner will refuse to say what has upset them so be patient. Eventually they will open up and discuss their feelings and this will give you a chance to help them put petty problems in perspective. Going overboard with generosity or spending on here today and gone tomorrow pleasures, will leave you strapped for cash. Start putting money into a savings account, instead.
AQUARIUS (January21st-February19th)
You’re in a position to assist a friend or neighbour who may be in trouble. You want to help but you don’t want their problems to become yours. That’s why you will find a way to lend a hand without becoming too involved in their affairs. Sad news may be the reason for a loved one’s moodiness. This is why any good-natured jokes are likely to be taken the wrong way while tender words and kind gestures will go down well.
PISCES (February20th-March20th)
Someone in the family is being contrary mid-April. It might feel as if you’re having to suffer the consequences of mistakes that aren’t of your making. By the end of the week, you will receive a sincere apology. Welcome all efforts made to build bridges. If you and a partner are planning to move in together, set some practical ground rules from the start. If you share a living space with friends or relatives, delegate responsibilities. You can’t be expected to do all the work.
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