East Yorkshire Thoroughbred Classic Car Club say that they were delighted with how their event went in Beverley which set a new record for the number of cars on display.
Not only were there a record number of cars, the club also say that more businesses chose to stay open adding to the ambience of the night.
A spokes person for the East Yorkshire Thoroughbred Classic Car Club said;
“Beverley is one of the most well attended events by our members as they all want to be part of an event that has an atmosphere you cannot replicate anywhere else.”
“On Wednesday night we had 306 cars on display which is the most we have had in the year’s we have been doing this event.”
“We managed to display cars from Saturday Market all the way up to Well Lane. It was an excellent turn out by our members and the volume of people who came to event.”
“Another positive for our club was seeing the number of shops, pubs and cafes that kept their doors open. Beverley is a totally unique event and by them being open it adds to it.”
“One business which stayed open for the first time said they had a very good night and it was certainly worth staying open late.”
Mayor of Beverley Cllr Bryan Pearson was at the event and given the task of judging the cars and picking out a winner. The spokesperson added;
“It was a pleasure to have the Mayor of Beverley, Cllr Pearson and his wife Mrs Pearson. They were given a tour by our Chairman after which they selected a vintage Morris Van as the winner at this year’s event.”
Established for over 25 years, and fully self funded by the club, the Midsummer Gathering yet again exceeded all expectations by bringing motoring history alive in the town.