Measures of Life – Humber Street Gallery To Open New Exhibition

The Nemesis Machine by Stanza
The Nemesis Machine by Stanza

Humber Street Gallery is proud to present “Measures of Life”. This new exhibition is produced in collaboration with The Lumen Prize for Digital Art.

The family-friendly and interactive exhibition will be open daily (except Mondays) from 10am – 6pm across the summer from 21st July to the 30th September.

Senior Curator for Humber Street Gallery, John Heffernan, said: “Our digital world is transforming our lives faster than we have ever known; but how is this affecting the relationships we have with each other? Eight Lumen Prize winners and finalists will be exploring these questions and more using a variety of digital media, from robotics to augmented reality”.

Director and founder of The Lumen prize, Carla Rapoport, said: “The Lumen Prize is thrilled to be bringing cutting edge digital art to the new Humber Street Gallery as part of the legacy of Hull City of Culture 2017. Measures of Life will bring a fresh, thought-provoking view of the technology that envelopes us all, involving artists from Russia, USA, UK and Germany.”

Humber Street Gallery is managed by Absolutely Cultured, the renamed company behind Hull UK City of Culture 2017. Creative Director and CEO of Absolutely Cultured, Katy Fuller, said:

“Digital art is being welcomed by audiences around the world and I’m really excited to be hosting The Lumen Prize here in Hull. The pieces are accessible to all audiences and I’m sure they shall spark a few discussions amongst friends and families who come to view the exhibition.”

Running alongside the exhibition will be a series of events for all ages. There will be interactive and sensory sessions, along with drop-ins and an exhibition tour accompanied by a British Sign Language interpreter. For more information and details on booking visit

The exhibition will present works by eight Lumen Prize winners and finalists, ::vtol:: (RU), Rachel Ara (UK), Stanza (UK), Molly Soda (US) Nicole Ruggiero (US), Refrakt (DE), Carla Gannis (US) and Anna Ridler (UK). The Lumen Prize for Digital Art celebrates the very best art created with technology through an annual competition and global programme of exhibitions and events.

Visitors can also enjoy a coffee in the newly refurbished gallery café run by The Brain Jar who have recently launched a new lunch menu.

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