Leisure Centre To Host Consultation About Older People’s Housing

Leisure Centre To Host Consultation About Older People's Housing
Leisure Centre To Host Consultation About Older People’s Housing

East Riding of Yorkshire Council is holding a consultation today in Beverley with regard to a new Older People’s Housing Strategy.

The council say their new strategy explores the different housing opportunities available for older people and will seek to try to meet their choices and preferences.

With an increasing ageing population, it is important that housing on offer is suitable, practical and comfortable and continues to meet our needs as we get older.

“The housing needs of older people cover a wide spectrum”, said Councillor Symon Fraser, cabinet portfolio holder for strategic asset management, housing and environment at the council.

“For many, staying in the same home they have had for years is what they want to do. Others however would choose to move to a property better designed for changing needs. As well as the bricks and mortar, people may also want some support to help them in their accommodation. And then people of course have preferences around renting, buying or part ownership.

“I would encourage anyone wanting to find out more about how the council will be working towards meeting the aspirations of older people for their housing to respond to this consultation or to drop into one of the sessions.

“This is a two-way process and by having face-to-face conversations with members of the public, the council will get a better understanding of the barriers people may face when they think about moving in older age. The style of each session will be relaxed with staff on hand to chat to people.”

Although the focus of this consultation is on older people’s housing, anyone is welcome to respond and find out more for themselves or their older relatives.

Residents in Beverley can find out more by visiting East Riding Leisure Beverley on Tuesday, 24 July, between the hours of 4 and 7PM.

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