Busy Bees nursery in Beverley, is celebrating after receiving an ‘outstanding’ rating following its latest Ofsted inspection on 3 July 2018. Less than 10% of early year’s settings in the UK hold this rating.
The nursery received this exceptional ‘outstanding’ rating from Ofsted, the official body for inspecting schools, after attaining a perfect score in three areas of inspection.
These included meeting the needs of the range of children who attend, contributing to the well-being of the children, and the effectiveness of the leadership and management.
Fiona Garth, Nursery Manager said;
“It is incredibly rewarding to receive an ‘Outstanding rating in all areas from Ofsted. This endorsement proves that all the hard work is recognised and the outstanding care we strive to provide is delivered.”
“I am proud of the whole team. We work really well together and every member of staff works tirelessly to ensure that every area of care and education is provided at the highest level for our children and their families.”
“We’re thrilled to bits and so are our parents- we will definitely be celebrating in a few weeks to come.”
Ofsted praised the nurseries partnership with parents, noting that;
“Parents comment about the excellent care the children receive. They report that all staff are welcoming and friendly. Parents are extremely happy with the exciting activities their children are provided with. They comment on how professional and thorough staff are in providing daily feedback about their child’s progress.
The staff team at the nursery were also praised for being “highly skilled” with Ofsted going on to say;
“Staff are highly skilled in teaching children and they know their key children exceptionally well. Children thoroughly enjoy high-quality interaction with staff. They are excited to take part in an array of stimulating and challenging activities”.
Child development was given a special mention as Ofsted recognised that;
“Children make rapid progress. They are very well supported to continually build on their skills.
Children show care and respect for each other. They learn to work together, share and take turns.
Children enjoy making decisions about what they do and sustain high levels of interest. They are highly motivated to play, explore and widen their experiences. Children are confident and show secure sense of well-being. They are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage in their learning and the eventual move to school”.
Continuing their praise, Ofsted said;
“The managers and the staff team are passionate about their role in caring for and teaching children. They are uncompromising in the pursuit of excellence. Managers rigorously evaluate practice and identify extremely well-focused areas of development.
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