The Yorkshire Party will be talking its ‘One Yorkshire Pledge’ onto the streets of the county starting in Northallerton on Wednesday (Yorkshire Day) to get signatures.
The idea is to show the Government the level of popular support for a One Yorkshire devolution deal and get them to act on it.
The Yorkshire Party has launched its ‘Yorkshire Pledge’ to demonstrate popular support for a county-wide devolution model. This comes at a time when reports suggest the Government is stalling on plans for a One Yorkshire devolution model proposed almost exactly a year ago by 17 of Yorkshire’s 20 council leaders.
Leader of the Yorkshire Party, Stewart Arnold, said:
“There is no doubt that Westminster politics is looking pretty shambolic at the moment. The problem with this continued mess is that it takes the Government’s eye off the North and Yorkshire in particular. Indeed, there are reports the Government is stalling on the One Yorkshire deal that has the support of so many across the region.
“We should now be building a prosperous, progressive region but, a year on from the One Yorkshire proposal that so many people got behind, the Government ignores us.
“We deserve better than this. We deserve better than having some of the lowest levels of education funding in the UK. We deserve better than crumbling transport networks. We deserve better than an underfunded and overstretched NHS. And we deserve better than the shallow attempts to split Yorkshire up into fake ‘city regions’.
“That is why the Yorkshire Party is launching the Yorkshire Pledge as a way to show all politicians that we believe Yorkshire deserves better.
“The Pledge has already been a success on social media but in the coming weeks we will be taking this out into the high streets and marketplaces right across Yorkshire starting in Northallerton on Yorkshire Day. We want to show Westminster just how strongly we feel betrayed.”