Let’s Get Ready To Ramble! – The Yorkshire Wolds Walking And Outdoor Festival

Let’s Get Ready To Ramble! - The Yorkshire Wolds Walking And Outdoor Festival
Let’s Get Ready To Ramble! – The Yorkshire Wolds Walking And Outdoor Festival

The Yorkshire Wolds Walking and Outdoor Festival brings its most diverse and vast calendar of events and activities yet as it celebrates its 8th anniversary.

Taking place between Saturday, 8 and Sunday, 16 September, the festival brings over 100 walks and activities to the East Riding, including Beverley, putting the area’s wonderful landscape and rich heritage on show to all age groups and abilities.

The festival culminates in a trek across the Yorkshire Wolds Way, one of the 15 National Trails in England and Wales, a 79-mile walking route through idyllic chalk landscapes from Hessle to Filey, the Humber to the beach.

Exciting events new to the festival include wine tasting at Little Wold Vineyard, outdoor activities, including Tomahawk axe throwing at the Kelsey Gardens at Burstwick, and a trip aboard the Lady Jayne along the Driffield Canal, organised by the Driffield Navigation Trust.

Portfolio holder for leisure, tourism and culture at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Councillor Richard Burton, said:

“The festival gives residents the opportunity to get out and see our local landscape from a new perspective that they may never have seen before.

“Anything that gets us out the house and spending time actively exploring is a brilliant thing these days and there’s nothing easier than going for a walk.”

Festival highlights include the Boots and Beer Walk, guided cycle rides with Lets Ride-Breeze, Spurn Nature Safaris, as well as a broad selection of walks in the East Riding area that want you to get out-and-about with your boots on.

Returning favourites include an extensive list of guided history walks that will bring the East Riding’s vibrant local history alive.

Walking the Town Beverley will again hosts a diverse list of guided history walks including Mary Wollstonecraft, Enlightenment Thinker, who is considered as one of the founding feminist philosophers, who lived in the town between 1768 and 1774.

Additionally, further guided walks include a town and country walk at Market Weighton, which will tell walkers about the once tallest man in England, Giant Bradley, a walk in the footsteps of the popular uprising, the Pilgrimage of Grace at Pocklington, and an invitation to learn about the fascinating histories of Hedon and Howden.

For a full Yorkshire Wolds Walking and Outdoor Festival programme, costs and all booking details – pick up a copy of the festival guide at on one of East Yorkshire’s Tourist Information Centres or view online at www.visithullandeastyorkshire.com

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