5 Easy Tips for Beginner Freelance Writers

5 Easy Tips for Beginner Freelance Writers
5 Easy Tips for Beginner Freelance Writers

Writing is a skill that develops over time. Even the greatest authors, essayists and poets didn’t write world renowned masterpieces on their first try.

When it comes to writing papers at the high-school (and even college-level), writing your very first novel, or starting out on your freelance writing career, one of the biggest mistakes that novice writers will often make is that they don’t gather enough research on how to write like a professional.

There are a lot of fantastic resources available to the average writer that can teach you how to develop your writing skills to produce high-quality and engaging content, whether you’re writing an admissions essay, a research paper, or even an article or movie review.

  1. Read absolutely everything!

The best way to get better at writing is actually reading.

It’s highly advisable to read everything from novels to college-produced research studies. By increasing the range of content to absorb, you can get a better sense of style, formatting, vocabulary expansion and grammar that you can then apply in your own writing ventures.

Are you writing a murder mystery novel? Read other murder mysteries currently available on the market! Are you writing an original research thesis? Read ones completed by other students to get a feel of what’s expected of you. Are you writing an article for a fashion and lifestyle blog? The answer should be quite self-explanatory!

The more content you read, regardless of length, genre or type, your mind will unconsciously begin to pick up on vocabulary and formatting that can help you develop your own writing skills and bring you that much closer to writing like the pros.

  1. Do some independent online research.

The internet is a fantastic thing. Another great way to develop your skills as a writer is to actually look up any questions that you may have about a particular project that you’re working on. Sites like Just Publishing Advice offer a wide range of helpful articles and guides on how to get started as a writer.

Whether you have questions about self-publishing, how to run a more effective niche blog, or ways to better promote your content, this site is a great place to look for those writing-specific questions that you may have.

You can write confidently knowing that there are resources out there like this one that can not only provide you answers, but teach you something new along the way! Effective research skills are probably the best tool in the writer’s toolbox to have.

  1. Refer to professional writing services.

Let’s face it, we all lead very busy lives. When deadlines are fast approaching, there’s no harm in asking for a helping hand. There are many professional writing services out there that can provide writing, rewriting and even editing services for whatever project you may need.

You can set the deadlines to be anywhere between six hours to a couple of months, as well as the number of pages you require. Sites like EssayPro will even allow you to select which professional you would like to hire to assist you in your writing endeavors.

Collaborating with writing service professionals is a great way to learn from the pros, while simultaneously working together to produce first-rate and interesting content. And meeting those rapidly approaching deadlines never hurts.

  1. Get to writing (obviously)!

As the old saying goes, practice makes perfect. The one, sure-fire way to develop any skill is to actual do it. Set yourself a little block of time everyday to write, write, write and you’re guaranteed to start to see improvements.

For those who are particularly keen on starting up their freelance writing careers, this is also the perfect opportunity to begin expanding your project portfolio to show off to potential clients. Peruse freelance writing job boards to get a sense of the types of projects clients may want to see from you.

The wider the variety you have at the ready, the higher the likelihood that you will be able to provide samples that are to your prospective client’s liking. You may not be paid for these first few samples, but as a beginner freelancer, it’s still a great way to hone your skills and be prepared for when you’re asked for examples of your writing.

  1. Reach out and ask other writers.

We all have to start somewhere, so if you’re looking for some tips and pointers, there’s never any harm in reaching out and asking for help. If you’re a budding novelist, consider sending a writer you admire a quick email or letter. You may not hear back from them, but on the flip side, you totally could!

Branching out and expanding your network of fellow writers is a great way to exchange ideas and information specific to your writing needs. There are a lot of online forums that can connect you with other writers who would be more than happy to lend you a helping hand. After all, they were new to the writing world at some point, too.

It doesn’t even necessarily have to be online forums, either. There are a lot of freelance writers turned YouTubers who have produced helpful videos on how to be successful in the writing world. It’s a great way to learn something new, whether it’s about applying SEO effectively to the top ten most common grammar mistakes to getting your first book self-published. There is a wealth of information available at your fingertips. And the best part is that it’s readily available and completely free!


Writing isn’t for everyone, and it takes time and patience to really develop an engaging and unique writing style. The best and most economical way to develop into a better, more professional writer is by reading all types of literature and writing as much as you can. In addition, the age of the internet has opened numerous avenues to information, professional writing services, and networks of fellow writers to help you along the way.

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