Having been inspired by the efforts of the Beverley in Bloom Group who drew in all parts of the community, to make the town a better environment in which to live, and being a finalist in the Britain in Bloom campaign, it was felt that Beverley Town Council should try and carry on the momentum and revive the Brighter Beverley Group.
Originally formed in 2005 by Beverley Town Council and driven forward by Mr Matt Snowden and the two Helens (Ball and Watson), it organised days where people got together and blitzed areas of the town, litter picking and generally tidying up. Whilst doing similar projects to get the town ready for judging day in the Britain in Bloom campaign, volunteers, Councillors and officers were approached by many people who obviously wanted to contribute to make the town a better place to live and improve the environment.
Cllr Duncan Jack said;
“With this in mind, we are looking for volunteers to help take on tasks in areas of the town, like litter picking, gardening and general tidying up of our streets.”
“We are also looking for suggestions of areas and projects that should be looked at. We do not want tasks to be onerous or too time consuming and want to encourage people to give up their time and skills to the degree they want to.”
Initially there will be a litter pick in the Norwood/Mill Lane area and people interested can meet outside Roberts & Speight at 10am on Tuesday 16th October. Equipment (gloves, tabards, litter pickers, bin bags etc will be provided and we believe an one to two hours should make a huge difference to any area targeted. Another clean-up will take place in Hengate Memorial Gardens on Wednesday 7th November at 10am.
Councillor Jack said;
“Just turn up on the day, if you cannot make it and wish to register your interests and be kept informed of any future projects or have suggestions please email clerk@beverley.gov.uk or telephone 01482 874096 and leave a message, Beverley Town Council Officers will respond to your communications and keep you informed of Brighter Beverley activities”
The Town Council will also be looking at forming a Friends of Coronation Gardens, Hengate Gardens and Lord Roberts Road Gardens more details will be available in the near future.
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