Local Lions Club Busy Organising 2018 Bonfire & Firework Display

Local Lions Club Busy Organising 2018 Bonfire & Firework Display
Local Lions Club Busy Organising 2018 Bonfire & Firework Display

The Beverley Westwood Lions Club is busy organising the Bonfire and Fireworks annual display to be held on Monday, 5th November on the Beverley Westwood Common.

President of the Lions Club, Alan Blenkharn, with the assistance from the Mayor, Cllr Bryan Pearson will have the honour of lighting the bonfire to get the event officially underway.

A professional Firework display will follow at 7.30PM and there will be food stalls, activities and children’s rides on the evening and a bucket collection will be made to help cover the costs of the fireworks and numerous expenses of organising such a large event – about £7000 is required.

The annual event commemorates the Gunpowder Plot, which took place over four hundred years ago, one of the key events in British history, has close associations with the East Riding.

Three of the plotters, Thomas Percy, Christopher Wright and John Wright were from the East Riding of Yorkshire, as was Sir Thomas Knyvett, the man who led the soldiers who discovered Guy Fawkes.

November 5th was one of the chief communal festivities of the East Riding, a time of bellringing, bonfires and feasts.

Beverley Lions hope the community will ‘come and enjoy a great night out safely’ at one of the town most popular events.

Meanwhile the Lions also say that are getting Santa’s sleigh is being ready and maintained for several outings in the town over the Christmas period.

They say the first outing is at the Switch-On of the Christmas lights on Friday, 23rd November and at the Food Festival at the Minister Saturday, 24th November.

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