National Customer Service Week at East Riding Leisure 2018

National Customer Service Week at East Riding Leisure 2018
National Customer Service Week at East Riding Leisure 2018

East Riding Leisure is celebrating National Customer Service Week next week, giving an opportunity for customers to get to know their local leisure centre team better.

Several of the ten leisure centres across the East Riding will be holding customer forums during National Customer Service Week, including managers’ surgeries, and a range of events including opportunities to meet the staff.

The centres are looking for people to nominate their Customer Service Champions – staff members who have gone beyond the call of duty.

The East Riding Leisure website includes an opportunity for leisure centre users to nominate and thank staff – whether instructors or reception staff – for their excellent customer service, help or advice they have given, or perhaps for a particularly motivating class.

People are also being asked to complete a short customer survey on the same website about the leisure centre they use, and in return they will be entered into a prize draw for a chance to win free membership for one month.

Councillor Richard Burton, portfolio holder for leisure, tourism and culture, said:

“Excellent customer service is a vital part of what we strive to deliver in our leisure centres.

“I hope that lots of our customers will want to nominate Customer Service Champions via our website, and we look forward to a good response!”

Full details of sessions during National Customer Service Week and how to nominate Customer Service Champions are on the East Riding Leisure website:

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