Frack Free East Yorkshire say they plan to hold a peaceful protest outside County Hall in Beverley.
The group say they are staging the protest to co-inside with the planning meeting being held on Thursday.
Planners from East Riding of Yorkshire Council will decide whether or not to extend a tempory licence currently held Rathlin Energy on Thursday.
Jennie Dixon of Frack Free East Yorkshire said:
“Rathlin Energy wants to see if it can extract from under a large area of East Yorkshire. These include the rural areas around Beverley and Holderness and also as far west as South Cave.”
“We have been warned that we need to stop using fossil fuels as soon as possible if we want to avoid climate catastrophe which could hit Hull and East Yorkshire hard. So looking for more gas and oil, as Rathlin wants to do, is the last thing we need.”
“We’re very concerned about Rathlin’s future plans which could include injecting hydrochloric acid underground. These extreme processes put people and the environment at risk.”
“The government has created its own definition of Hydraulic fracturing. As a result is so tight it effectively means that a company can use extreme extraction and say it is not fracking.”
Frack Free East Yorkshire Call For Council To Reject Planning Extension
“East Riding Council needs to consider other definitions as North Yorkshire Council is doing.”
“Local people meanwhile have a right to know what Rathlin is planning. The company must come clean.”
“Rathlin’s track record in East Yorkshire is poor. It has already had to abandon its first well at West Newton. East Yorkshire needs clean fields, not gas fields.”
“As a result of this, we are calling on East Riding Council to reject this application.”
Protestors from Frack Free Yorkshire will also be joined by members of the local Labour Party. They have also expressed their concerns over risks created by oil and gas exploration.