Air Cadets based in Beverley were told they would be evicted just hours after they paraded for Remembrance Sunday.
399 (Beverley) Air Cadets who are based at Longcroft School learned about their eviction from the council who want to sell the land for housing.
The Cadets, who joined veterans, serving personnel and officials even saluted the council at the parade that took place in Beverley on Remembrance Sunday.
A parent of one of the cadets says the council’s decision is a disgrace and they are playing with futures of young people.
Speaking to HU17.net they said;
“What a disgrace this decision is. Look how well the cadets and the scouts represented Beverley on Remembrance Sunday.”
“It’s one of the best cadet forces in the Region. They don’t just need a place, but need somewhere to exercise.”
“My daughter is hoping to join the Royal Air Force too. Their decision is also messing with her future recruitment which she’s already put lots of effort into.”
“Twice a week, every week, she attends attaining diplomas and D of E awards.”
“This decision directly puts a stumbling block in between our youth and some of our most time honoured institutions for the furthering of educating and inspiring our young.”
“And the council complain about anti-social behaviour.”
“On the parade, these fine young people marched past the top brass from the council. The very people who are playing roulette with their futures.”
399 (Beverley) Air Cadets And Scouts Future Under Threat By Decision
399 (Beverley) Air Cadets and the local 1st Molescroft Scout group were handed 12 months notice by the council.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council says that the lower school at Longcroft has been earmarked for housing in line with the Town plan.
Cllr Denis Healy says he wants to fight the decision while describing the council’s decision as unbelievable.
399 (Beverley) Air Cadets currently have around 20 members while the Scout group have around 70 youngsters. Both groups now face an uncertain future.
While the council say they will support both groups, no firm financial support has been offered to either organisation.
Beverley Council are a disgrace. The Scouts own their Headquarters and pay rent to the Council. The same Council that just rides rough shod over the very citizens they are voted in to support.