Drugs, Cash And Moped Seized By Police Following Public Tip-Off

Drugs, Cash And Moped Seized By Police Following Public Tip-Off
Drugs, Cash And Moped Seized By Police Following Public Tip-Off

Humberside Police have seized drugs and arrested a man after they received a tip-off from a member of the public.

Police acting on the tip-off seized Spice, Crack Cocaine, Cannabis and Heroin. They also recovered cash and moped.

In a statement released, Humberside Police said;

“A 30-year-old man has been arrested after we received a report that he was dealing drugs in Hull.”

“A member of the public called us to say that a group of around 14 people had gathered around the back of a business premise on Beverley Road.”

“Our proactive team arrived on the scene and witnessed what appeared to be a drugs deal going on.”

“They arrested a man and seized what’s believed to be 104 bags of Spice as well as crack cocaine, heroin, and cannabis.”

“Five hundred pounds in cash and a scooter have also been seized.”

“The man is currently in our custody on suspicion of possession with intent to supply a controlled drug.”

Humberside Police have been cracking down on drugs and dealers in the region. In recent weeks they have conducted a number of raids in Hull and Beverley.

At the time of those raids police said;

“We know the harm it causes – often to the most vulnerable in our communities – and that’s why tackling this issue and prosecuting those involved in such a high priority for us.

“We have a really good understanding of Organised Crime Groups, which are often at the head of the supply chain, and we work closely with neighbouring forces and the National Crime Agency to share vital information and intelligence.”

Drugs Wreck Live’s Say Local Police

“However, a lot of the information we need to carry out these kinds of operations comes from the public.”

“You know when something is not right in your area and you’re really good at letting us know when that’s happening.”

“It’s by putting together the information you share with us with what our officers see and hear out on the streets, that we’re able to successfully target those who bring drugs into our communities and bring them to justice.”

If you’re concerned about drug-related crime in your area, speak to your local officer or call 101.

If you’d rather remain anonymous, please call Crimestoppers 0800 555111.

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