Campaigners To Hit The Streets And Protest Over Post Office Closure

Campaigners To Hit The Streets And Protest Over Post Office Closure
Campaigners To Hit The Streets And Protest Over Post Office Closure

Campaigners will be out in force on Saturday morning in support of the Post Office workers campaign to prevent the franchising of the town’s Crown post office to WH Smith.

Post Office managers are currently ‘consulting.roposals to transfer the town’s postal services to the high street stationer. The post office has been operating from its current site for over 100 years.

Under the deal, Postal workers will be forced to accept redundancy or transfer to WH Smith on what is likely to be less preferential terms.

Townspeople claim that the new proposed site is inadequate, lacking space and has poor access compared to the current site.

Speaking about the protest Beverley Labour’s George McManus said;

“I hope the public turn out to support our postal workers and to protect this valued service, The demonstration has garnered cross-party support as well as opposition from the East Riding Council so I hope the whole town will unite behind the campaign.”

The Communication Workers Union who will also be out supporting the protest, they said;

“With so much opposition from all three political parties who have unified over this issue, plus residents who have submitted thousands of names via petitions, the Post Office need to have a serious rethink.”

“In a recent survey conducted by WHICH, for the 8th consecutive year WH Smith was voted as worst High Street retailer, the residents of Beverley deserve better.”

Campaigners Set Up Own Public Meeting

The Communication Workers Union also say that thousands of people have signed a petition in an attempt to urge the Post Office to rethink their decision.

They say that the consultation period being offered by the Post Office is controversial as it is only seeking feedback on the move and not the closure.

In response, the CWU has also arranged a Public Meeting to give residents the opportunity to have their say. They add that the meeting which will take place on the 24 January at Armstrong’s Social Club will be attended by local councillors.

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