Have Your Say To Shape The Future Of General Practice In The East Riding

Have Your Say To Shape The Future Of General Practice In The East Riding
Have Your Say To Shape The Future Of General Practice In The East Riding

NHS East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has launched a survey.

They are seeking the views of local people to help shape the East Riding’s vision for general practice and how its services could look in the future.

Anne Jeffreys, local GP and Clinical Chairperson of the CCG said:

“As the newly appointed Chairperson of the CCG, I am delighted that one of my first priorities is to help set the direction for the future of general practice in the East Riding. Alongside the recent launch of the NHS Long Term Plan, there are many opportunities to embrace new technologies, enhance the way we access local services and ensure general practice within our region is sustainable in the longer term.

Over the next few weeks, we are asking members of the public to have their say by taking part in a short survey which will be running until the 3 March 2019. I urge you to get involved as your views will help to inform the development of the general practice strategy and ensure, once complete, it fits the needs of the East Riding’s population.”

This survey is open to residents registered with a GP within the East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group area and can be completed online at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ShapingGP

Printed copies of the survey will be available to pick up at GP practices from 28 January, or by contacting the CCG to request a copy on 01482 672101 or ERYCCG.contactus@nhs.net

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