MP Emma Hardy is encouraging women to speak to their GP and take a smear test.
Her comments come after figures showed the number of women from the region is below national targets.
Latest figures show that just 73.1pc of women in Hull are taking the test. While in the East Riding 78.5pc of women are taking a smear test.
Both Hull and East Riding are below the target set by the NHS of 80pc. As a result of the figures, Emma is urging women in the area to take a test.
She is also calling for the NHS to do more to encourage women to have regular smear tests.
Speaking in a Parliamentary debate on the issue she said;
“As someone who benefited from a smear test finding pre-cancerous cells when I was younger, I have firsthand experience of how vital these tests are. Who could have said what may have happened to me if I hadn’t been for that test.”
“The rates of uptake on smear tests is worryingly low but it is the downward trend in uptake that is worrying. The NHS needs to be doing more to find out why people aren’t taking these tests up. This is so that we can come up with a plan to encourage more women to go along to their doctors and get checked out.”
“For any women reading this, I’d say this- it may seem scary but I promise you it isn’t. It could one day save your life. Please go and get checked.”
Smear Test In Most Cases Is Not Painful
While numbers are below the targets set by the NHS a smear test can help detect Cervical cancer in its early stages.
If found early enough in most cases cancer can be treated. Figures show that 98pc of women are treated successfully.
While a smear test may feel embarrassing in most cases it is a painless experience. It just less than five minutes to complete, but really could save your life.
To find out more about having a test you can contact your local GP. More information about smear tests can also be found on the NHS Direct web site.