Avoid cramming
It may seem like a good idea to stay up late to cram for a test, but it is actually very counterproductive. It has been shown by scientific research that people do less well on learned tasks while they are sleep deprived since it limits their access to the form of sleep called Rapid Eye Movement (REM). This stage of sleep is essential for storing your memories. If you want to perform at your absolute best, then sleep needs to be a top priority for you.
Create a Sleep Sanctuary
Your bedroom should be clean, tidy, have minimal distractions and above all be comfortable. Is your mattress up to scratch? It is often overlooked in the quest for sleep, however, a good mattress will go a long way to helping you drift into a peaceful slumber. Take a look at forty winks mattress reviews and find your perfect mattress.
Be Smart About Caffeine
Caffeine is a type of stimulant that helps to keep you awake. A brain chemical called Adenosine which helps to make you sleepy is blocked by caffeine. When you have a few caffeinated drinks like tea of coffee in the morning it can help wake your brain up and prepare it for the upcoming day. Just be careful since caffeine remains in your body for as long as 12 hours and may reduce the quality of your sleep. Try to instead drink herbal alternatives by mid-afternoon and later.
Take a Power Nap
If you are lacking in focus and feeling tired after lunch do not hesitate to take a brief power nap – most homeschooling tutors with an interest in science will recommend them. It has been shown by scientific studies that even just a 10-minute nap can help to boost creativity, energy levels, alertness and being able to solve tricky problems. Keep it short for best results (30 minutes maximum) and between noon and 3 pm.
Take a break
Anytime you are in a revision mode it can be easy for many hours to pass without taking a break or doing something else. Although that may seem like it’s a good idea, this can result in your brain being able to turn off at the end of the day. Schedule short breaks each hour to do something that is completely different. Go for a walk, eat a healthy snack, or listen to music. Doing things like this can help to boost your productivity throughout the day, create needed headspace, and help your brain switch off when it’s time for you to go to sleep.
Get More Help with Sleep
If you are having a hard time sleeping, check out the new online insomnia course from The Sleep School. It is loaded with helped guided audios and videos and has been designed to help you improve your sleep quality and manage your anxiety.