ERYC have rejected calls for a crossing to be installed in Beverley saying the road is not busy enough.
Concerns were raised at the number of people needing to cross Woodhall Way at the junction with St Leonard’s Road.
Following the recent development of houses, more people need to cross the road to get to local primary schools.
However, following a study ERYC’s Infrastructure & Facilities department rejected the request saying the junction does not meet the national criteria.
Molescroft Parish Councillor David Boynton said he is disappointed in their findings. He also adds that he fears this will put children and parents in danger.
Commenting on the decision he said;
“East Riding of Yorkshire Council are putting peoples safety at risk with this decision. They say that the road is not busy enough to warrant a crossing.”
“However, they have said while they will not fund the crossing, Molescroft Parish Council can look to install one if they foot the bill.”
“This is not something we can do. We simply do not have that sort of budget. To install the crossing at this busy junction would cost us around £40,000.”
Woodhall Way Zebra Crossing Would Receive Little Use
Woodhall Way is a busy road and during peak times is used by motorists as a rat run to miss out junctions. Furthermore, during school drop off and pick up times the volume of traffic increases.
Safer Roads Humber report that 94 pedestrians were killed in our region by motorists. While the latest figures also show that the number of people killed last year was at a five year high.
In a statement, a spokesperson for ERYC said;
“The council does not recommend the installation of a zebra crossing at this location as it would receive little use throughout the majority of the day.”
“Formal crossings are installed where pedestrian movement is high all day and where traffic volumes are also high, which is not the case for Woodhall Way.”
What an absolute disgrace to refuse a zebra crossing down Woodhall Way,if it saves one life it has to be worth it!
Interesting comment from the Council. I worked for Hull City Council in the 60s in the traffic section and did a number of pedestrian crossing assessments.
They were based on the number of cars v number of pedestrians but I don’t ever recall the necessity for the crossing needing to be used all day being a requirement. Indeed one of the surveys I did was for a crossing over Hessle Road just after Birds Eye opened its factory. The crossing was hardly ever used except for shift changes at the factory but it was certainly used then.