A missing swing will be replaced as a matter of urgency says Councillor David Boynton. His comments come after he was contacted with regard to swing going missing from the local play area.
Cllr Boynton says that while this may seem like a trivial issue, he was pleased it was brought to his attention.
Speaking to HU17.net Cllr Boynton said;
“On seeing a post on social media and receiving numerous call that a swing on Rosemary Walk was missing I made some enquiries.”
“I have been assured by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council that it will be replaced as a matter of urgency.”
“While I understand that this may seem like a trivial matter, it is my job to serve residents as a local councillor.”
Cllr Boynton also said that the local authority was unable to explain what had happened to the swing. He also added it remains unclear if it is missing as a result of vandalism or if it was removed for repair.
He hopes the public will keep a look out for vandals, and if need be report them. Not just in this park but also those throughout Beverley.
Missing Swing May Be As A Result Of Vandals
He said;
“Above all, I would like to urge residents to keep their eyes peeled. If they see any acts of vandalism they should report it to the police.”
“If they do not want to call the police they are welcome to contact me and I will be happy to deal with it for them.”
“With the summer holidays approaching it is important that all our play areas in Beverley are safe and functioning.”
“Personally I live close by to this park and know it is certainly a popular place for children to play. It is not only used at weekends but also after school. Many families stop there when walking home from the nearby schools.”
“For this reason, it is important that all our parks and play areas are kept in full working order. Consequently, as soon as this was brought to my attention I acted on it.”
“It is very helpful that people take the time to bring attention to issues like this. Had they not then maybe this would have gone unnoticed for some time.”