Car Show In Beverley Makes For A Fantastic Showcase

Car Show In Beverley Makes For A Fantastic Showcase
Car Show In Beverley Makes For A Fantastic Showcase

A classic car owner from South Cave says that the Classic Car Show in Beverley is a fantastic showcase for the motors on display.

Martin Cleveland also adds that he feels more event like this should be held in Beverley given its popularity.

Mr Cleveland spoke glowingly about the Mid Summer Gathering organised by East Yorkshire Thoroughbred Car Club. He himself brought a car to display, he certainly had a great evening, commenting on the night he said;

“I have brought my old 1984 Porsche 911 to Beverley to part of the show. It is an annual pilgrimage. I have been with other cars in the past including a Mercedes 230SL and a TR3A in the past.

“With my job, I only drive slowly, so it’s nice to get behind the wheel and do the speed limit sometimes.”

Martin has had the Porsche since 2010. It is not a car he has restored he says the only thing he has changed the tyres on it and replaced some seals.

Car Show Success Should Be Built Upon And Held More Often

Speaking about the event he said;

“This event is fantastic, it is such a showcase for all these beautiful cars. It brings business to the cafes, bars and fish and chip shop.”

“It is just a shame it is just once a year. They should look at doing two a year or maybe even have a bike night in Beverley.”

“I think if they had a motorcycle night the town would be packed. They do one in Barton and it is very well attended.”

Mr Cleveland could well have a point. Beverley’s Historic Core was packed full of people not only from but also further afield.

The Mayor of Beverley, Cllr Duncan Jack one was on the many officials in the town who also praised organisers of the event.

On the night he was impressed with turn out while adding the event was great for Beverley.

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