Spitfire And Trench Experience Form Part Of Veterans Weekend In Hull

Spitfire And Trench Experience Form Part Of Veterans Weekend In Hull
Spitfire And Trench Experience Form Part Of Veterans Weekend In Hull

The ever-popular Veterans Weekend is back at East Park next weekend (Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 July) – packed with something for all the family to enjoy.

Now in its 14th year, the free weekend will be a fantastic experience for people of all ages, recognising and celebrating the role of our armed forces both past and present. 

People will have the chance to meet veterans and experience what it was like in the 1940s, as well as meet current servicemen and women from the armed forces.

Entertainment will be underway from 10am on both days. The Great War Trench Experience and a full-sized Spitfire plane will be on display, amongst other historical attractions.

This year, the event partners the Blue Light Services event, meaning all our emergency services will be in attendance.

A number of regiments will be attending and there will be an array of military vehicles and memorabilia, with British and American army camps and living history displays.

The main stage will showcase a range of 1940s music, fashion and dance, including the Frank Cleveland Band, Larks Swing Duo, George Formby tribute artist Colin Bourdiec and Vintage DJ Paddy O’Kaye.

There will also be attractions for all the family including donkey rides, traditional games and craft workshops.

A drum head service parade will also take place on Sunday morning at 10am, starting at the Summergangs Road entrance to East Park.

Admission to the event on both days is free and parking is available onsite on a first-come first-served basis. Members of the public who have blue badges will be able to park in East Park but must show their badges to gain access.

The weekend’s activities are organised by Hull City Council.

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