MP Graham Stuart says he is confident that the people in the region will back the Conservatives at the next general election.
Mr Stuart also added that he believes ‘No Deal’ should remain on the table when it comes to negotiating with the EU.
Since taking office as Prime Minister, Boris Johnson promised to get the UK out of the EU ‘Come What May.’
In an attempt to unify the Conservative Party he has sacked 21 MPs who do not share the view of the government on a no-deal Brexit.
Reflecting on what has been a difficult week in Parliament Mr Stuart said;
“This week the House of Commons has passed a Bill devised by the Leader of the Opposition, that effectively ends our negotiations to leave the EU and demands an extension at least until next year.”
“The Prime Minister has stated that it is completely impossible for the Government to function if the House of Commons refuses to pass anything that the Government proposes.”
MP Says No Deal Brexit Should Remain On The Table
“The Prime Minister is seeking a General Election to break this impasse and continue to negotiate our exit from the EU.”
“I campaigned on a platform to leave the EU in the 2017 General Election. I have always believed the no-deal option should remain on the table both as a tool of negotiation and as a last resort for delivering the result of the referendum.”
“The people of East Riding want Brexit delivered and I am confident that a Conservative Party united in this goal will have their support at a General Election.”
While no date has been set for the general election it now looks likely to happen in November. This means Mr Johnson will have to seak and extension from the EU, however, he says he will refuse to do it.
At a press conference this week the PM said he would rather be ‘dead in a ditch than delay Brexit.’