Graham Stuart MP To Hold Weekend Street Surgery In Beverley

Graham Stuart MP To Hold Weekend Street Surgery In Beverley
Graham Stuart MP To Hold Weekend Street Surgery In Beverley

Graham Stuart, MP for Beverley and Holderness, will be continuing his regular street surgeries this Saturday 21st September.

The surgeries are an opportunity to raise an issue with Graham about personal matters or to raise any kind of concern to do with government or parliament, or simply just to pop by and say hello.

No appointments are necessary and any conversations with Graham will be private.

Graham said: “Although I’m based down in Westminster, it’s my constituents in Beverley and Holderness who I’m working for, so it’s really important I get to hear your views and I can let you know about the work I’m doing on your behalf.

“Whatever anyone’s political views, I will always do my best to help them in any way I can, so do make your way down to one of my surgeries if you have an issue I can help with.”

This weekend’s street surgery will take place on Toll Gavel, at the junction with Cross Street. Graham also holds regular street surgeries in Hedon, Withernsea and Hornsea.

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This article has 2 Comments

  1. You can raise any issue you please, but you can guarantee this man will do nothing about it, just play lip service like any other blood sucking politician, he’s in it for what he can get out of it. The residents of Thorngumbald can stand testimony to this when he claimed that he would fight against the closure of the village pub.

  2. Working hard for himself.
    Luckily for him he is standing in a seat where Charles Manson would get elected if he was a tory

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