East Riding Waste And Recycling Team Wins Second National Award

East Riding Waste And Recycling Team Wins Second National Award
East Riding Waste And Recycling Team Wins Second National Award

The waste and recycling team at East Riding of Yorkshire Council has won a second national award for its services to local residents.

The team was presented with the award for Best Service Team of the Year for Waste Management and Recycling at the Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE) Service Awards 2019.

The annual awards honour the highest standards of frontline services at councils across the UK.

The East Riding team was up against waste and recycling services from five other local authorities for the award: City and County of Swansea, City of Wolverhampton Council, Harrogate Borough Council, Newry Mourne and Down District Council and Renfrewshire Council.

This is the second national award the waste and recycling team has won this year.

In June the team was named Best Council Services Team at the MJ Local Government Achievement Awards 2019.

Thanks to the support of East Riding residents, the team has achieved the highest recycling rate of any council in the country for two years running.

The council was able to recycle, reuse or compost 64.5% of all household waste in 2017/18. The national average was 44.8%.

This year the team has also run successful campaigns which increased the recycling of metal packaging in residents’ blue bins by 22 tonnes – and led to a 15% rise in the amount of small electrical items being taken to household waste recycling sites.

The performance of the council’s bin collection crews has also been praised for working overtime to collect all Christmas waste and managing to empty all bins despite the extreme weather conditions during the summer heatwave and the ‘Beast from the East’ last year.

Councillor Chris Matthews, the portfolio holder for strategic management at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said: “I’m delighted our waste and recycling team has brought another national award home to the East Riding.

“I’d like to thank the residents of the East Riding for their continued support of our bin schemes because without them we wouldn’t be able to recycle as much as we do.”

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