Hull History Nerd is a channel on YouTube run by a local that tells the story of the railways which used to sprawl around this region.
The 45-year-old man behind the channel, Jamie Topliss-Yates was born in Hull and continues to live in the city.
His channel is causing quite a stir as he takes his passion for history and also railways to make informative well made history documentaries about the area.
While Jamie is currently focused on Hull, he says Beverley is firmly in his sights and deserving of a series of films of its own.
Speaking to HU17.net about his work Jamie said;
“I’ve been obsessed with industrial history for many years, especially railways, but that passion spread out to all sorts of urban history.”
“It’s the fascination with the bones of the old showing through the flesh of the new, giving us a peek behind the curtain at the processes that built the world we live in today.”
“I wanted to really share what I’ve discovered about Hull’s rich urban history with others. I’ve been a fan of YouTubers like Martin Zero. He does a similar thing but a lot more intrepid in terms of urban exploration, in Manchester.”
Girlfriend Inspired Jamie To Launch Channel
“I moaned so often that there was nobody doing this in Hull. As a result, my girlfriend said one day ‘Why don’t you do it? You know your way around a camera’ so I did.”
Ever since he was a small child Jamie admits that trains have been a big part of his life. From a young age, he also says he had a thing about seeing old disused railway lines and overgrown platforms around the area.
Seeing things like this made him ask himself questions like what was that line? Why is it deserted now? What station was there? All things Jamie uncovers and explains to viewers of his films.
Since starting his channel he has discovered some amazing things, some of which are still there for all to see. While he also has learned some interesting facts on his journey.
Hull History Nerd Says Beverley Deserves Its Own Series
Commenting on some of his personal highlights Jamie said;
“Probably the most brilliant fact is the example of how people don’t really change. We’re just waking up to the idea these days that there are PR companies making up numerous fake Facebook profiles in order to manipulate public opinion.”
“But in my research into the Hull and Barnsley Railway, the next episode in the series, I found that companies were doing exactly the same thing in the 1880s. They were writing personal attacks, painting wild conspiracy theories, and trying to undermine. They mocked the opposing company in the local newspaper letters pages.”
“These companies were using fake names like “Anti-Humbug” and “Black Diamond”. It always amazes me that stuff that we assume is only a recent invention actually turns out to be just business as usual for humanity.”
While his films have to date been mainly centred around Hull, Jamie plans to bring the Hull History Nerd to Beverley. Explaining more he said;
“Beverley has a long and fascinating history. It frankly deserves a whole series of its own. This is certainly a possibility on my list once I’ve finished the History of Hull.
“Ever since the channel started increasing in popularity I’ve been making lists of ideas for future series. Beverley is most assuredly on that list.”
“A single episode on Beverley would not do it justice.”
You can watch the Hull History Nerd on YouTube. It certainly is a channel that those with a local interest should subscribe to.
I own a civil engineer’s level (a very high quality instrument of about 1900-1910). It bears a steel label of Maxted, Knott and Coles, Engineers, Burnett Avenue, Hull. – a company which did not last much beyond the 20s. As a civil engineer myself, I can appreciate the tangible connection between the level and the works upon which it was once used – if only I could find a design drawing of some project (which would have the title of the engineers on it). Levels are essential in the setting out of railways, docks, mines, tunnels and foundations. I wonder if you have ever come across Maxted, Coles and Knott elsewhere.