Nominations can now be made for the 2020 East Riding of Yorkshire Council Chairman’s Awards.
The annual awards, which will be held at Bridlington Spa in May, recognise people, businesses and projects that have helped improve the East Riding over the last year.
The four award categories are:
community – recognises groups and individuals for the contribution to improving the lives of those living in the East Riding with a non-commercial project
built heritage – celebrates private homes, new builds or business premises that have been sympathetically renovated and/or restored
business – recognises businesses that have helped the economy flourish
sport – celebrates local talent and commitment to sports clubs and activities.
Nominees can only be entered for one category and a previous award winner cannot be nominated in the same category for a period of three years but can be entered for another.
The awards will be presented by Councillor Pat Smith in what will be her final engagement as chairman before she ends her year in office.
She said: “This is a great opportunity for residents to recognise the work of local people, communities and businesses that help make the place they live a better environment to be in.”
For more information or to submit a nomination go to www.eastriding.gov.uk/chairmansawards email chairmans.awards@eastriding.gov.uk or contact Sarah Asquith, civic officer at East Riding of Yorkshire Council on (01482) 393260, email sarah.asquith@eastriding.gov.uk
The closing date for nominations is Friday, 31 January 2020.