Lib Dems Push Tories To Build Park And Ride Now To Ease Beverley’s Parking Problems

Lib Dems Push Tories To Build Park And Ride Now To Ease Beverley's Parking Problems
Lib Dems Push Tories To Build Park And Ride Now To Ease Beverley’s Parking Problems

Liberal Democrat opposition councillors on East Riding of Yorkshire Council are pushing for a Park and Ride Scheme to be funded this year, as a solution to the ever-growing problems of commuter parking in the town.

At the Council’s budget meeting on Thursday 13 February, the Liberal Democrats will propose an alternative budget which will use Council reserves to fund the £4.5 million scheme on the south side of Beverley.

The money will be recovered from Section 106 payments made by housing developers as they build and sell new houses.

Lib Dem Deputy Leader Denis Healy said;

“We desperately need this Park and Ride now, not in five years time when the congestion problems make life intolerable for residents.

“The Tory-run Council are paying for a bridge to open up more land for housing. Since the Council is prepared to pay for a bridge that will add more housing and parking pressure, we say they should fund a Park and Ride Scheme now. They can fund it from reserves and claw the money back from developers.”

Cllr Linda Johnson said:

“The Conservatives response to the parking problems is to extend the Controlled Parking Zone.

“But this adds cost to residents who have to pay for a permit and simply pushes the parking problem further along.”

“We say that the Council should be dealing with the parking problems by bringing in a Park and Ride. It solves the problem of commuter parking and is environmentally friendlier. “

The budget meeting takes place at County Hall at 2pm this Thursday 13 February.

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