Humber Premier League fixtures could be postponed and due to COVID-19 Pandemic sweeping across the globe.
This weekend saw almost every major sporting fixture cancelled as governing bodies look to their bit to help prevent the disease from spreading.
On a local level, while fixtures do carry on, they too may be called off. Those who run the league will meet later this week where a decision will be made.
Speaking to HU17.net Beverley Town Football Club manager Rich Jagger says he will support whatever they decide.
However, he also adds the club are already taking some precautions in the interests of player safety.
Speaking to HU17.net he said;
“Our game was called off on Saturday because one of their players had health concerns and symptoms.”
“As a club, we have been taking precautions. We are not sharing water bottles for example. But in essence, we are following government and FA, Humber Premier League advice until told otherwise.”
“I think the main worry is for the elderly and vulnerable. At the moment the FA advice is for grassroots football to continue, and I would support that.”
“However the situation can change quickly and I’m sure we will adapt to ensure this is brought under control.”
“There is a Humber premier league meeting on Wednesday and they will decide then if we will carry on playing.”
East Riding County FA Issue Statement In Response To COVID-19 Pandemic
The East Riding Cou8nty FA issued a statement last week offering local clubs advice on the Corona Virus. They said clubs would be able to decide individually if they wished to participate in the Respect handshake ahead of matches.
Other advice offered by the local governing body included following the NHS guidelines while also stating they are monitoring the situation closely.
More information about the situation in the UK, along with guidance for what to do if you think you’re at risk can be found online.
To find out more visit NHSUK/coronavirus for information about the virus and how to protect yourself.