Hull Hospitals would like to thank all of the amazing companies, individuals and organisations who have already come forward offering support to our staff and hospitals for the care we are providing patients during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Supported by our Hull Hospital’s official charity, WISHH, there are a number of ways you can help the Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital and the staff who are working tirelessly on delivering care to our patients during these exceptional times.
Here’s how you can help:
Donations for the benefit of staff working under such demanding circumstances:
Donation of money which would be used for items identified by the hospitals as the epidemic unfolds specifically for the benefit of our staff.
Donations of practical help and support: Goods in kind from suppliers, preferential access to services and supplies of items for the benefit of our staff.
Examples of support received to date are:
Donations of additional PPE supplies, hand sanitiser
Access to additional shopping hours for NHS Staff
If you would like to speak to us about your ideas of how you would like to help, please contact Lisa Whitton of the WISHH team on 07827 881766 or email WISHHappeal@hey.nhs.uk
Donations to the WISHH COVID-19 Appeal
A fundraising appeal has been launched to enable organisations and individuals to make a donation if they wish via our Just Giving page https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/wishhappeal
Donations can be marked COVID-19 STAFF if you would like your donation to be used to support the provision of additional items for the benefit of staff whilst they are caring for patients during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Alternatively, donations marked COVID-19 CARE will be used to support patient care as directed by Hull Hospitals.
Cheques can be made payable to “WISHH Charity” posted to the WISHH Office, COVID-19 Appeal, First Floor Administration Block, Castle Hill Hospital, Castle Road, Cottingham, HU16 5JQ.
Sue Lockwood, WISHH Chairman and High Sheriff of the East Riding of Yorkshire said, “We are in unprecedented times and will rely increasingly heavily on the wonderful staff of the NHS to see us through.
“The Hull University Teaching Hospitals official Charity WISHH is working closely with the hospitals to identify ways we can help. They know best what support they need from us all and this is only the start.
“Supporting staff is key, many are finding it difficult to take a break for refreshment. WISHH has given £5,000 to the hospitals towards supporting staff which includes providing drinks and snacks to wards and departments but this demand will be on-going. We can turn your donations into items needed by our staff in our hospitals.
“The COVID-19 fundraising campaign WISHH has launched will support staff and patient care. Decisions as to how money raised is allocated to what is needed will be led by the hospitals working together with WISHH. We need our Hospitals more than ever now. If you can help us to help our hospitals please get in touch and donate.”
To get involved and support any element of our campaign, visit our Just Giving page or contact us via email WISHHappeal@hey.nhs.uk or call the WISHH team on 07827 881766 to discuss further.
You can find the latest health advice on COVID-19 at nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/