![Mayormaking Ceremony To Be Conducted Virtually For First Time](http://www.hu17.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/zoom.jpg)
The 413th Mayor of Beverley will be chosen later this month using Zoom virtual meeting technology. Beverley Town Council says the move to do this signals its determination to continue its civic traditions despite the lockdown.
The ancient office of the Mayor of Beverley dates back to 1573. It is usually passed on each May at the annual Mayormaking ceremony at Beverley’s Guildhall.
At the ceremony, the outgoing Mayor makes his final address. Then the Town Councillors choose their new Mayor, who is then installed.
This year, however, it will all be done virtually with all the Councillors isolated at home.
Town Clerk, Helen Watson explained;
“Beverley Town Council is leading the way in using technology to keep Council business going. We are way ahead of all other Councils in the East Riding in this respect.”
“Already we have used Zoom since the middle of March to conduct full council and committee meetings. This is ensuring key decisions continue to be made.”
“The election of a new Mayor and Deputy is very important for the town. Although Mayormaking 2020 won’t be quite the same as usual, we are determined to keep things as close to the usual format as possible.”
“We hope, by having members of the public there too by giving them the opportunity to watch proceedings as they would normally be allowed to do.”
Virtual Mayormaking Ensure Town Council Stay Ahead Of The Curve
East Riding Ward councillor, Denis Healy, and leader of the ruling Liberal Democrat group on Beverley Town Council said;
“I am proud that Beverley Town Council is ahead of the curve when it comes to keeping council business going using virtual meeting technology.”
“The Town Council hasn’t missed a single meeting because of the lockdown. Councillors have been participating in their own homes using technology.”
“The East Riding of Yorkshire Council, by contrast, could learn a thing or two from Beverley Town Council about how things should be done.”
“The East Riding of Yorkshire Full Council hasn’t met since February. It also has not even worked out how it can get all its Councillors connected using this technology.”
“If the House of Commons and Beverley Town Council can manage it, the East Riding of Yorkshire Council should be asking itself some very serious questions about why it can’t do the same.”
“I am really looking forward to the virtual Mayormaking. I want to take this opportunity to thank Cllr Duncan Jack for his dedicated year of service to the town.”
“Hopefully we will be able to elect a new Mayor on the 11 May who will be able to inspire the town at this very challenging time.”
Members of the public who would like to observe the Mayor Making should email clerk@beverley.gov.uk
Bet Mr Jack will be as pleased as Punch to hand the reins over. Take time to read the published records of meetings; some Councillors don’t know what month it is and at least one spends her, sorry, their entire time trying to score points off the others.