Second Phase Of Road Improvements For Beverley Town Centre Start Next Month

Second Phase Of Road Improvements For Beverley Town Centre Start Next Month
Second Phase Of Road Improvements For Beverley Town Centre Start Next Month

The second phase of a £1m scheme to improve roads in Beverley town centre and beyond is due to begin next month.

As part of the East Riding of Yorkshire Council scheme, work is already underway to upgrade parts of Norwood and North Bar Without.

Now the next stage is due to start in July with the resurfacing of a number of busy junctions and roads across the town.

Lairgate/Champney Road junction

The resurfacing of the junction of Lairgate with Champney Road is due to begin on Thursday 2 July.

Work will be carried out during the evening from 6pm to 11pm, Monday to Friday, and is expected to take seven days to complete, weather permitting.

During the evening working hours, Lairgate will be closed to through-traffic with a signed diversion route in place via Keldgate, Minster Yard South, Flemingate, Armstrong Way and Railway Street. Access will be permitted to residents and business owners

Armstong Way/Grovehill Road junction

The resurfacing of the junction of Amstrong Way with Grovehill Road, leading up to the railway crossing, is due to start on Monday 13 July.

Work on this stage will also be carried out during the evening from 6pm to 11pm, Monday to Friday, and is expected to take five days to complete, weather permitted.

Armstrong Way and the Grovehill Road junction will be closed to through-traffic during the working hours, with a signed diversion route via Railway Street, Eastgate and Hull Road.

Access will still be permitted to residents and business owners via Flemingate and Armstrong Way and residents will be able to gain access via Flemingate and Hull Road.

Corporation Road

Work is due to begin on Sunday 19 July to resurface Corporation Road, between the junctions with Norwood and Kings Square.

The work will be carried out on Sundays only during the evening from 5pm to 11pm and is expected to take four Sundays to complete, weather permitting.

During these hours Corporation Road will be closed to through traffic but access will still be permitted to residents via Norwood and Morton Lane.

Samman Road

The full length of Samman Road, off Coltman Avenue, will be resurfaced, with work due to start on Monday 27 July.

A section of Wilberforce Crescent, between Samman Road and Queens Road, will also be resurfaced.

Work will be carried out during the day from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, and is expected to take around three weeks to complete, weather permitting.

During these working hours Samman Road and Wilberforce Crescent, the Queens Road end only, will be closed to traffic, but access will be permitted to residents via the Coltman Street end. Access for pedestrians and emergency services access will not be affected.

The second phase of the resurfacing works will all be carried out by contractor Tarmac Trading Ltd on the behalf of the council.

The contractor will be carrying out this essential work by following Government advice on social distancing, to protect the workforce and local residents.

Councillor Mike Stathers, the council’s portfolio holder for enhancing communities, said: “We’d like to thank residents and motorists in advance for their patience while our contractor carries out this essential work to improve these roads.

“At the moment roads are quieter than normal and this is helping us to push ahead and get some improvements completed quicker than usual.

“We hope people will see the improvements once this next phase is completed.”

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