East Riding Students Receive Their GCSE Grades

East Riding Students Receive Their GCSE Grades
East Riding Students Receive Their GCSE Grades

Thousands of students in the East Riding are receiving their GCSE results.

Exams could not take place this year because of the Covid-19 pandemic so students have been awarded teacher-assessed grades.

Councillor Julie Abraham, portfolio holder for children, young people, education, health and social care at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said:

“I congratulate the young people of the East Riding for all their hard work, in the most unusual circumstances, as we join them in recognising the many achievements across the local authority.

“I hope they can now move forward with certainty on to the next stage of their education or training, or as they enter employment, and I wish them well whatever they choose to do next.

“We also recognise our dedicated teaching staff, who have supported students in their studies and throughout the lockdown period.”

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