Black Breastfeeding Week Gains Support Of Local Bodies

Black Breastfeeding Week Gains Support Of Local Bodies
Black Breastfeeding Week Gains Support Of Local Bodies

Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust and East Riding of Yorkshire Council are pleased to support and celebrate Black Breastfeeding Week which has been running for eight years in the USA is being celebrated for the third time in the UK in 2020, from August 25-31.

Local services are Baby-Friendly “Gold” accredited and offer all mothers and their families support, including infant feeding and parent-infant relationships.

Researchers have found that while women from black, Asian and minority ethnic groups may be more likely to initiate breastfeeding, they are less likely to continue exclusive breastfeeding to six months, as recommended by the World Health Organisation.

Rates of infant mortality are also higher among some of these communities and reflect the wider health inequalities seen in the UK today.

Infant feeding information and support needs to be culturally appropriate to help women overcome barriers to breastfeeding.

Breaking Breastfeeding Barriers & Uplifting Education (BBBUE) was founded in 2019 by Ruth Dennison. It was launched to help fund:

Free ante-natal breastfeeding education for parents
Subsidised post-natal breastfeeding support for parents
Subsidised training for those who would like to support mothers with breastfeeding using accurate evidence-based information
Breastfeeding groups, workshops and events – to help black, Asian and ethnic minorities.

BBBUE will be celebrating Black Breastfeeding Week by hosting a virtual public fundraising event on Saturday, 29 August.

This is going to be a fun, interactive, educational and informative event, and places can be booked at

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This article has 1 Comment

  1. Oh Please, were now seperating black and white breast feeding,This is just more American clap trap and why we think this is relevant in this country beggars belief.It shows how out of touch public bodies like NHS and the local council are.THIS IS ENGLAND NOT USA.

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