Major Investment To Boost City’s Key Transport Routes

Major Investment To Boost City’s Key Transport Routes
Major Investment To Boost City’s Key Transport Routes

Major improvement work is to be carried out in three arterial roads in the east and west of the city.

Holderness Road, Hessle Road and Anlaby Road will be undergoing extensive resurfacing works as part of a phased programme to improve the routes for motorists and cyclists.

The work will be undertaken in short sections with traffic management to ensure there is minimal disruption to motorists and businesses in the area.

The work in Holderness will begin from Monday 14 September and work in Hessle Road and Anlaby Road will start on Monday 28 September.

Work to improve Hessle Road will complete on Monday 26 February 2021, work in Holderness Road will finish on Monday 29 March 2021 and in Anlaby Road on Saturday 6 March.

As part of the second phase of works, the footpaths will also be upgraded to ensure safe access for pedestrians and improve the environment for businesses located in the area.

Councillor Daren Hale, the portfolio holder for economic investment and regeneration, said: “We’ve listened to businesses in the area and as a result, we are phasing the works to ensure minimum disruption.

“This means that work to improve the footways will take place next year so that local businesses have the opportunity to bounce back from what has been a difficult period over lockdown. We want residents to shop locally, so we will not be impacting any pedestrian flows with this programme of work.

“However this investment is crucial to enhance the connectivity for this part of the city and improve traffic, cycle and pedestrian flows.

“We understand that over the next six months there will some congestion as these critical works take place, but this is why we are undertaking them in phases so that we can minimise disruption.

“We ask motorists to bear with us as we aim to improve the road network for their long-term benefit.”

Work in Hessle Road and parts of Holderness Road will be carried out by Wright Civil Engineering, and some works in parts of Holderness Road will be carried out by M.B Roche & Sons. Work in Anlaby Road will be carried out by PBS Construction.

Councillor Hale said: “Ensuring we work with local companies is vital so that we can keep jobs local, supporting our city’s economic growth.”

Work in Holderness Road will begin in Dansom Lane South and Mount Pleasant, this section of Holderness Road will be closed to eastbound traffic whilst the first two phases of works are carried out.

The diversion route for eastbound traffic will be via Witham, New Cleveland Street, Cleveland Street and Mount Pleasant. The road will remain open to traffic travelling towards the city centre.

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