Hull Businesses Offered New Support To Go Green

Hull Businesses Offered New Support To Go Green
Hull Businesses Offered New Support To Go Green

Hull businesses are being offered an exciting opportunity to become more energy-efficient, thanks to a new council-led scheme that launches today.

The Hull Business Energy Efficiency Scheme (HBEES) is a new project led by Hull City Council and part-funded by the 2014 – 2020 European Regional Development Fund Programme.

The scheme offers a whole host of measures that will assist businesses in reducing their contribution to greenhouses gases, including the installation of new technology, access to expertise and advice, as well as access to grant funding to invest energy-saving equipment.

Fully-funded energy efficiency workshops and access to grants are also on offer, alongside energy audits from the council’s expert partners.

Councillor Daren Hale, Portfolio Holder for Economic Investment and Regeneration, said:

“Hull City Council is delighted to offer this specialist support to local businesses that will not only help them become more energy-efficient and reduce their costs but also contribute towards the City Plan’s aim of being a carbon-neutral city by 2030.”

Businesses that register for the scheme will receive an energy assessment visit and report at no cost to them, which outlines the potential improvements that can be made with details of any costs and benefits highlighted. Any improvements business owners would like to implement could be part-funded via grants available with the scheme up to a maximum grant of £10,000.

Businesses interested in the scheme can contact the HBEES team today by emailing

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