Businesses Urged To Take Extra Steps To Stop And Control Coronavirus Spread

Businesses Urged To Take Extra Steps To Stop And Control Coronavirus Spread
Businesses Urged To Take Extra Steps To Stop And Control Coronavirus Spread

Businesses in Hull are being urged to implement new measures to help stop and control the spread of coronavirus.

The government has launched the NHS’s Covid-19 contact-tracing app, which allows people to register and ‘check-in’ when they visit a business.

Users can ‘check-in’ to venues by scanning QR codes using a phone’s camera, which creates a log of where a user has been so that they can choose to easily give that information to contact tracers.

So that the app can be effective, businesses are now required to display QR codes on their premises. This can be done by visiting the government website.

The app also provides information on local risk levels and includes a symptom checker, with links to the latest advice and the ability to enter a test result should it be needed.

Councillor Mike Thompson, the portfolio holder for public protection, said:

“It’s important that everyone and every business continues to play their part in protecting our city from coronavirus.

“Our Public Protection Team have been supporting businesses throughout the pandemic to understand the Public Health England guidance and put in place suitable safety measures.

“The vast majority of businesses are being responsible, however, if businesses fail to implement suitable measures they can be subject to intervention and enforcement from Hull City Council.”

If the Public Protection Team become aware of businesses that may not be following the guidance, officers will investigate and, if necessary, suggest ways that they can improve. If a business fails to implement adequate improvements, formal action will be taken to make sure they comply with the law.

Anyone who has social distancing or coronavirus safety concerns relating to pubs, restaurants shops and other businesses (including their own workplace) can report them to Hull City’s Council’s Public Protection Team.

Anyone who has social distancing or coronavirus safety concerns that do not relate to a business should report them to the police.

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