The Mayor of Beverley, Councillor Tom Astell, has recorded a Covid-19 message of support. He warns that the East Riding is at a ‘tipping point’ in the region.
The Mayor also thanks all those in Beverley who have pulled together and supported the community during these difficult times.
The Mayor, speaking on Beverley Town Councils YouTube Channel said;
“The Covid-19 pandemic has brought into stark reality the fragility of life and is bringing pressure onto our economy and public services.”
“When I last spoke to you in May, our way of life was severely restricted, with the country told to Stay at Home to protect our NHS and to save lives. We pulled together as a community, supported each other, cared for each other and worked together to keep the virus at bay.”
“Community groups and businesses shifted their focus to supporting the most vulnerable in our community.”
“Notable examples are Fresh and Fruity of Dyer Lane delivered fruit and vegetable boxes and donated huge amounts to the Beverley Area Community Hub. Cooplands who delivered food parcels to shielding residents donated food to local care homes and extended their range of products to include staple products such as milk, butter and eggs.”
“And community groups such as The Beverley Covid-19 Mutual Aid group brought neighbours together and enabled those at risk to shield with the peace of mind that they were being supported and were not alone.”
“This community spirit made me prouder than ever to call Beverley my home. We all came together in common interest and kept the virus at bay by following the rules.”
“However, I must now ask you to dig deep once more. Beverley and the wider East Riding is reaching a tipping point.”
“If we do not keep the virus under control and stop the infection rate from rising, we are likely to see additional measures brought in to stop the spread of this dreadful disease.”
“Moving to the next alert level would bring in further restrictions such as stopping different households meeting indoors and these could remain for a number of months.”
“I know the pain and sacrifice that we have all experienced over the past months all too well. So we must stick together, we must act as one and we must work together to keep this virus at bay.”
“And we can do that by following three simple steps.”
Step 1: Prevent – Wash your hands regularly with soap for 20 seconds or more, cover your face with a face-covering in indoor settings and keep a 2-metre distance from anyone outside your household or support bubble. Follow the rule of 6 – you must not meet with more than 6 people in any setting.
Step 2: Notice – Remind yourselves of the symptoms – A new continuous dry cough, high temperature or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste.
Step 3: Act – If you or anyone in your household has any of those symptoms you must isolate immediately and book a test.
“If you do need to shield, or self-isolate and are struggling to find help, do not hesitate in calling the community hub run by East Riding of Yorkshire Council on 393919.”
“By following these steps, we stand a fighting chance of keeping the virus under control and enable us all to live our lives as freely as possible.”
“So, I implore you all, to follow the rules, think Hands, Face, Space and keep this virus at bay. We will get through this, we can recover and we will be stronger, together.”
Good advice, but something we already know. More like an ego-boosting exercise for Master Tom dressed in his finery. How much did this little exercise cost the Town Council and, by definition, the people of Beverley? Did the Beverley town councillors wholeheartedly sanction this or was it done by Tom Astell unilaterally? Plus, he says in the video he’s spoken to us before – erm, when?