Pupils Who Are Isolating Can Continue To Work Via A Range Of Remote Learning Provision

Pupils Who Are Isolating Can Continue To Work Via A Range Of Remote Learning Provision
Pupils Who Are Isolating Can Continue To Work Via A Range Of Remote Learning Provision

Schools across Hull have been developing their remote learning provision, so that any pupils who are isolating at home but are well enough to do schoolwork, can continue to work remotely.

Students can access the same work that the rest of the class is doing through platforms such as Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams, through whole-class live lessons and home learning packs.

Lesson resources are uploaded to online platforms to allow pupils to access content from home, which can include video content such as PowerPoint Narration, Stream Video and Loom Video. Schools also provide home learning packs for pupils that don’t have access to a computer or for those who prefer to have a paper pack of work.

Patrick Sprakes, Headteacher at Malet Lambert said:

“At the beginning of this year, schools had to move some teaching content online at very short notice in response to the coronavirus pandemic. We’ve now had time to plan and coordinate on-demand learning at a trust level and a school level. We are now in a position to offer a much more interactive experience in scenarios where we are not able to deliver face to face teaching in the classroom.

“Pupils can access lesson content from home and in the event that a whole class is at home, we can deliver ‘live’ teaching remotely, at the same time as the timetabled lesson would be in school.”

Laptops have also been distributed to a number of pupils that do not have access to electronic devices, through a Department for Education scheme, and thanks to a donation from Hull Esteem Consortium further laptops have been purchased for children in the looked after system.

Portfolio Holder for learning and skills, Councillor Peter Clark said: “The city’s schools are committed to continuous learning when students are not in school – whether it is via live lessons, on-line platforms or paper packs delivered home and telephone calls to check on students and provide support.

“It is a challenging time for everyone, and I’m grateful to the schools, pupils and their families for adapting through this difficult year.”

All Academy Trusts work together through the Hull Learning Partnership.

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