LOCKDOWN – Unlikely Measures Will Be Eased If We Carry On Like This

LOCKDOWN - Unlikely Measures Will Be Eased If We Carry On Like This
LOCKDOWN – Unlikely Measures Will Be Eased If We Carry On Like This

COVID-19 is spreading and the ‘second wave’ is been felt hard in this area. While the UK is under lockdown measures, these are set to change in less than two weeks.

However, given the fact that this region is seeing such high numbers, it is highly unlikely much will change around here.

Hull continues to top the COVID table. Local health professionals are so concerned about what they are seeing they have started issuing their own video briefings.

Unlike during the lockdown in summer, this time things feel very different. Firstly there are more people roaming about. Also, more places are open meaning people are coming into contact with others more frequently.  School’s too are also open giving the virus even more of an opportunity to spread.

It is staggering to think the government is considering allowing households to mix for Christmas. If reports are to be believed then they are about to propose a 5-day easing of rules for the festive period.

This ridiculous idea comes as the death and infection rates continue to increase. As for this region, well if the lockdown is eased and we move the tier system then things will be bleak. That is because based on current data our part of the world will be placed in the highest state of alert. 

Minsters Not Offering Any Clear Message What Will Happen After Lockdown Ends

Given the high rates of infection, the capacity issues faced by hospitals it is hard to see how anything will be eased in this part of the world on 2 December.

At this point, we also have no idea how the tier system will work. Ministers are once again being sketchy with the detail. Based on what we know and what has already happened at the very least come 3 December this region will be in tier three.

It is very difficult to see restrictions being relaxed in East Yorkshire if the numbers carry on the way they are. Commonsense, the very thing we have all been asked to use would suggest opening up pubs before Christmas could be catastrophic in a health sense.

That said, the leadership of this country may be prepared to throw a few more people under the bus in order to tease us all with a taste of normality. If they do the price we will pay for that will be our health.

This year has been very tough for many people thus far. Many have given up so much and there is still no light at the end of the tunnel. Yes, there is talk of a vaccine, but that is not the solution for the here and now.

How We Collectively Can Try To Get Out Of This Mess

What the solution is right now is staying at home. Staying away from people as much as a possible and only going outside if you really need to. This message is clearly not getting through during this lockdown. The roads are busy, the town centre is busy, people packed into the shops that are open.

All of these actions are being reflected in the numbers of people catching this virus. This is why tougher restrictions, not the easing of them may the only way out of this mess in the short term.

NHS staff in this area say that in 30 years they have not seen demand like it for their services. That is not spin, it is not some stat bundled in with Leeds, it is a reflection on this region.

What we all have to do for the remainder of this lockdown is to stay at home. Before we go out we all need to think twice. All of us need to think is this trip really necessary. That means not going for a drive to a beauty spot to test your eyes. It means not meeting with face to face for meetings that can be done virtually. 

If we do that then maybe we can collectively suppress the virus in this area.

Currently, there really is no other way. Furthermore, it certainly is the only way we can potentially see any easing of restrictions in this region.  

This article has 1 Comment

  1. In the first 6 months of the pandemic the so called health professionals sat back and basked in the knowledge that there was no serious outbreak in this part of the country.Well now there is it its about time they stopped belly aching and earn their money which in the most par they do not deserve.I feel sorry for those who have to go into HRI which is among the dirtiest hospitals in the country and yet nothing is done.I know from first hand experience that hospitals in this area are not cleaned properly and bugs are rampant so there is no chance that Covid 19 will be stopped until those in charge do what their paid to do!

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