High Risk and Vulnerable In Beverley Get COVID Vaccination

High Risk and Vulnerable In Beverley Get COVID Vaccination
High Risk and Vulnerable In Beverley Get COVID Vaccination

Beverley residents who are the most at risk and vulnerable have started to be offered the COVID vaccination.

The Beverley Primary Care Network (PCN), which includes all of Beverley’s GP practices, started to vaccinate residents this week.

Because of the storage and transportation requirements of the vaccination, the practices must administer them all from one designated location.

Patients over the age of 80 with the greatest clinical risk are being offered appointments first.

Dr Colin Garnham, local GP and Clinical Director for Beverley PCN said;

“We are delighted to have been given the opportunity to start offering this vaccine to our most vulnerable patients here in Beverley.” 

“We would like to reassure our patients, across all of our practices, that we will be contacting you all to offer you this vaccine.”

“This is being done according to clinical priority, starting with our most vulnerable patients. In time, we will be extending this to our other at-risk patients.”

No Need To Contact GP About COVID Vaccination

Dr Garnham is also reminding people that they will be contacted when it is their turn to be vaccinated. He is also asking for people to patient and wait for a dedicated member of staff to get in touch.

He took time to also thank the staff for their efforts throughout this national crisis, he said;

“We urge people to be patient and not contact their GP Practice. The vaccination programme will take months, it will not happen in a few days.”

“Please be reassured that no one will be excluded from the programme and when it is their turn to be vaccinated, people will receive an invitation from their GP.”

“We would like to thank all of our staff. They have worked tirelessly throughout this pandemic, and have stepped up to this new task of delivering the coronavirus vaccine without hesitation.”

The order in which patients are prioritised for the vaccinations has been determined by the Joint Committee of Vaccinations and Immunisation (JCVI) as they are at the greatest risk from COVID-19.

People are required to have two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, up to 12 weeks apart. They may not be protected until at least seven days after their second dose of the vaccine.

When booking a patient’s first appointment the practice will also book their second appointment. It is important that people attend their second appointment.

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