More Needs To Be Done For Authority To Be Net Carbon Zero

More Needs To be Done For Authority To Be Net Carbon Zero
More Needs To Be Done For Authority To Be Net Carbon Zero

Liberal Democrat Councillor Linda Johnson says the local authority needs to do more if they are to become net carbon zero.

Cllr Johnson is part of the Council’s cross-party Climate Change Review Panel. They are scheduled to present their findings to the wider council in the coming days.

She is also calling for East Riding of Yorkshire Council to appoint Environmental Champion.

In a statement, Cllr Johnson said;

“As a member of the Review Panel, I welcome the contents of the report and the Council’s recognition that they have to move quicker in adopting practices to reduce CO2 emissions.”

“The Council has a published environmental strategy but it needs to do more to become net carbon zero by 2050. Why Conservative Councillors rejected the call to declare a Climate Emergency the day after the Government itself had declared a Climate Emergency still escapes me.”

More Efforts Needed To Become Net Carbon Zero

“However, the important thing is that all aspects of the Council’s activities are considered within the context of the impact they have on climate change and the continuing costs to the Council in mitigating them.”

“The Council has had to spend thousands on flood relief schemes. This is due to rising sea-levels and more extreme weather and that money comes out of tax-payers’ pockets.”

“It’s in everyone’s interests to think about their lifestyle choices and be aware of how they can individually reduce their carbon footprint.”

“I’m especially keen on walking and cycling to reduce the use of fossil-fuelled cars. I urge the Council to increase its EV charging network to encourage more people to switch to electric cars for longer journeys.”

“I’d like to see an Environmental Champion employed by the Council, who can work across partner agencies as well as with communities in promoting eco-friendly, more sustainable lifestyles. I’m sure most people, especially children, are as keen to do their best to save the planet as I am.”

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