Lib Dems in the East Riding have been battling in support of the community to save Track Fitness & Beverley Boxing Club from the threat of eviction hanging over it caused by the Conservative-run Council.
Track Fitness & Beverley Boxing Club only has three weeks from 8th March to pack its bags and vacate its premises despite promises made by the Conservatives in October 2019 and reaffirmed again in February 2020.
Lib Dem Councillor Denis Healy, Deputy Leader of the Lib Dem Group:
“The Conservatives are being totally hypocritical by calling residents in the East Riding overweight and in need of fitness, on the same day they pursue eviction of two fitness clubs – make up your mind.
“This decision to evict is completely shafting the community and breaking promises to the community’s boxing club and track fitness. It is unacceptable and we will hold them to account.
“We have been working with the community against the Conservative administration for years on this issue. We passed a motion in October 2019 to protect the Beverley Boxing Club, we thought the community had won – they amended our motion and watered it down to allow them to wriggle out of it.”
Lib Dem Councillor Linda Johnson, Beverley St Mary’s ward, said:
“I have worked with the boxing club in the community for years, they are a real community asset in the ward I represent. It is disgraceful that the Conservatives are proposing trashing the future prospects of kids by taking away their hobby and backing away from their promise.
“We have signed a letter with cross-party support, which includes Conservatives – we launched a last-ditch petition to try to change the mind of the Conservative Council.
“Lib Dems are fighting for their communities all over the East Riding, we demand better. This community will not go down without a fight.”
Link to the petition: https://www.eastridinglibdems.com/save_boxing-club