In Partnership with Cicada Antimicrobial Surface Protection Service, Hull Collegiate School has taken extra measures to safeguard its prep school community against Covid-19, using Liquid Guard® antimicrobial nano-coating.
Pupils age 3-11 have this week returned to classrooms which are treated with the long-term “full-kill” antimicrobial product across all hard surfaces.
This follows the evident success of measures put in place at the Senior School last year. Which, as the school attests, resulted in minimal cases and zero transmissions within the building, during the autumn term.
Tom Brown, Head of Marketing at Hull Collegiate School explains:
“When pupils came back into school between September and December last year, we had minimal cases with zero transmissions within the building.”
“We have been really pleased with the success of the measures put in place to protect our community of pupils, staff and parents and we recognise that Cicada Antimicrobial Surface Protection Service application of Liquid Guard® has been an integral part of that.”
The leadership team at Hull Collegiate School was the first school in East Yorkshire to commission Cicada Antimicrobial Surface Protection Service to apply Liquid Guard®, the award-winning nano-coating technology*, which has proven antiviral efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 – the virus causing COVID-19.
As well as the senior school, Liquid Guard® has now been applied across the prep school; in all classrooms, communal areas and high-touch surfaces – bannisters, toilets and door handles.
Hull Collegiate School is a thriving 3-18 HMC co-educational day school, which aims to support and challenge students within glorious grounds at Tranby Croft in East Yorkshire.
Tom Brown continues:
“As a school, we are constantly assessing the risk surrounding Covid-19, and as part of that, we approached the Cicada Antimicrobial Surface Protection Service to treat the Senior School.
“To build on that success we asked Cicada to return to treat the whole of the Prep School. Not just the high-touch communal areas, but now the classrooms as well. We recognise that pupils in the Prep School have a different style of learning to those in the Senior School and therefore, we want to enhance the safety and protection within each classroom.”
“We are confident that this investment will help us to minimise the chance of infections transmitting across the school.”
Noel Parkinson, Director of Cicada Antimicrobial Surface Protection Service says:
“As an early adopter of the Liquid Guard® product, Hull Collegiate has seen the benefits of our service.
“I am thrilled that they were able to report minimal cases of Covid-19 and zero transmissions at a time when other schools were struggling with daily cases, the consequence of this meant that pupils in their bubbles and families had to self-isolate for 10 days.”
“By applying Liquid Guard®, schools and other organisations are one step ahead of the virus and will significantly reduce the chance of infection transmissions from touch surfaces for the next twelve months or more.”
Hull Collegiate School is just one organisation that has chosen this innovative method of protection along with the motor trade, offices, retail outlets and call centres.
For further information on how Cicada Antimicrobial Surface Protection Service can work on your premises, please email info@cicada.pro or call 01482 977677.