Tesco Community Grants fund thousands of local community projects across the UK.
These projects help to fight holiday hunger, tackle mental health, support young people, host community events and much more.
Since 2016 the scheme has supported over 36,000 community groups with more than £85million in grants.
In the Beverley area, the following groups will each benefited from the latest round of grants. Beverley Town Handbell Ringers received £1000 for their Community Handchime project.
Westwood Explorer Scouts received £1000 for new equipment. While Tickton Primary School received £1000 for their wildlife garden sanctuary.
Beverley Town Handbell Ringers Secretary Andrew Ford said:
‘‘The purpose of ‘Chimes Ring Out’ is to buy a set of handchimes to take into community groups giving members the opportunity to enjoy the pleasure of music-making without any musical training.”
“Taking part in music-making builds confidence and increases social interaction by working as a team whilst having fun learning a new skill.’’
The handbell band are always looking to welcome new members who would like to be part of a unique group of musicians who undertake concerts and provide music-making opportunities for a wide range of audiences.”
Westwood Explorer Scouts Lead volunteer, Alex Ellis, was delighted to collect the £1,000 cheque and said:
‘‘I am in a privileged position to be able to see the wonderful work all the local volunteers do and to see all the girls and boys develop and learn skills for life. The £1000 will help the explorer scouts to use their energy and creativity to have fun, develop their potential and earn a wide range of awards.”
If you would like more information about volunteering, the scouts can be contacted on: info@bandhscouts.org.uk